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    The P.R.I.C.E Protocol Procedures

    October 1, 2020 at 2:52 pm · · 0 comments

    The P.R.I.C.E Protocol Procedures

    Many experts recommend using the P.R.I.C.E protocol. It’s great for treating injuries right after they occur. The procedures are especially beneficial within 24 – 72 hours. You may be familiar with R.I.C.E, and this is similar. Only, the concept of protection is added this time. This is a critical component of the healing process.

    Understanding P.R.I.C.E Protocol:

    P: Protection

    This is meant to prevent further injury. You can protect an injury by limiting movement. Using crutches to avoid weight-bearing activity. Using a splint or brace also provides protection.

    R: Rest

    Rest is essential for healing. Ideally, you want “relative rest” This means resting to allow healing. But not restrictive resting that slows healing. Avoid activities that stress the injured area. Remember that some movements can help to heal. Gentle, pain-free movements can speed recovery. Focus on basic range-of-motion activity. The joints and muscles around an injury benefit from this activity.

    I: Ice

    Cold treatments benefit the healing of acute injuries. It can reduce swelling and pain. There are several ways you can use cold therapy. Most people use a bag of crushed ice. It is important to use a towel between the ice and your skin. Limit cold therapy to 10 or 15 minutes at a time. You can apply the ice again after 1 or 2 hours. This cycle is shown to be effective and safe. Be aware of skin sensitivity to the cold. Red, raised, or mottled skin can appear. Discontinue ice therapy if this happens. Redness alone is common and will resolve.

    C: Compression

    Using a compression wrap is most common. Applying force to the injured tissue gives support. It also reduces swelling. There are things to remember when applying elastic bandages.

    • Start a few inches below the injury
    • Wrap in a figure-eight or spiral manner
    • Cover to a few inches above the injury
    • Apply a medium amount of pressure
    • Loosen the bandage when sleeping
    • Re-apply every morning

    Make sure the bandage is not too restrictive. There should not be any tingling or numbness. If this occurs, loosen the bandage.

    E: Elevation

    This reduces the polling of fluid at the point of injury. By controlling this swelling, pain is reduced. It also limits movement which can speed up healing. The injured area needs to be above the heart level. Elevate it for as much of the day as possible. During sleep, position the injured limb on a pillow. If swelling continues after 48 hours, continue with periodic elevation.

    These procedures are essential for healing. When done within the first 24 to 48 hours of injury. However, the P.R.I.C.E protocol is the best way to get optimal treatment at home. After conservative methods have been explored, such as the P.R.I.C.E protocol, if you are still experiencing pain without relief, call us at 888-409-8006. Our top orthopedic specialists are here to help!

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